Who am I?

My name is Grazielle Gomes, and I am a psychologist. But if you've made it this far, you already know that. In 2010, I began my immersion in the field of education. During that time, I had my first encounter with psychology, child development, and the learning process. During this period, I interned at both public and private schools in Rio de Janeiro, and I felt tempted to continue in the field of education. However, pursuing psychology was the only way I felt nourished and completely fulfilled.

My Professional Journey

That's what I did—I pursued psychology with a focus on clinical and educational areas, avoiding organizational psychology as much as possible because it wasn't an option for me. I was and still am a dedicated student, unafraid to ask questions.

For me, the classroom is a liberating environment, and I will forever be a student.

During that time, all my internships followed the approach I adhere to, Gestalt Therapy, in individual clinical settings and group processes, with an extremely competent mentor who served as an inspiration in the classroom.

In parallel with my studies, I worked at a well-structured school, which allowed me to experience and contribute to the development of children. My interactions with families sparked my curiosity about Systemic Therapy.

And guess what?! My first training after graduation was in Couple and Family Therapy at CGT Sandra Salomão. At the time, my intention was to gain resources for individual CLIENTS since a significant portion of the issues revolve around this powerful foundation.

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